Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I haven't been here in a while but it's good to be back. Everything seems a little hectic lately, but I've managed to find a few minutes of ME time....There will be a new addition to our family (not from me, unfortunately) but just the same, it will be a GIRL!!!! Finally, no more being surrounded only by penises(?) or if it's prural is it peni? Anyway, I will picking up a beautiful baby puppy at the pound tomorrow and will post a picture of her as soon as I can. We have all been anxiously awaiting her arrival and I barely slept last night. She is a silver/brown Mastiff mix(as per the tag at the pound), but she looks more Weimeraner (?) to me, even though her paws are huge!! Are we crazy? Yes, but you only live once, Mojo needs a companion as he is alone most of the day, and I want a girl, and this is the only way I will get her! The big question now is her name. No one can agree on anything so we will have to draw a name out of a hat. Here are the names every one has picked for the drawing:

Manda (N's choice)

Lily (A's choice)

Rose or Cleo (L is undecided)

Landi (Serg thought it would be cool to name her after his Toyota Landcruiser)

Maia or Skye (I still can't decide)

I'll let you guys know when I post her picture!

1 comment:

Surge said...

now you have to get her...whichever "her" you choose