Thursday, March 13, 2008

Baby Maya is getting huge! She is turns 8 weeks old tomorrow, 3/13, and weighs 12.5 lbs!! She is VERY spunky and loves to play, and when she is tired, comes to the couch and rests her head on the cushion while looking up at me with those gorgeous green eyes of hers and....well who am I kidding? I lift her up and she falls asleep curled up next to me..Yes she is spoiled and yes she will get much bigger and I'm sure she'll take up most of the couch, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it! For right now, the main thing is housebreaking her and she has her good and bad days...Just for shits & giggles, spill some apple juice on the floor and walk barefoot through it....AAAHHHH the sweet life of puppyhood!!! oh, & don't forget to put small plastic things into the garbage disposal for a few seconds, take them out, and spread them on the living room floor and watch your kids get pissy because their lego pieces now have teeth marks on them.....Good times!